Sunil Bastian

Politics of capitalist transition and state repression

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The politics of foreign Aid in Sri Lanka The politics of foreign Aid in Sri Lanka
(2007) Politics of foreign aid in Sri Lanka, Promoting markets and supporting peace. Colombo: International Centre for Ethnic Studies.

Can democracy be designed? Can democracy be designed?
(2003) Co-editor, Can Democracy be Designed? London: Zed Books.

Devolution and Development in Sri Lanka Devolution and Development in Sri Lanka
(1994) Editor, Devolution and Development. New Delhi: Konark Publishers.

Assessing participation - A debate from south asia Assessing participation - A debate from south asia
(1997) Co-editor, Assessing Participation: A Debate from South Asia. New Delhi: ITDG/Konark Publishers.


Changing political visions (2019)

Beyond Liberal Peace (2019)

(1999) Poverty Alleviation through Smallholder Agriculture – Fighting a Loosing Battle?

(2006) How Development Undermined Peace.


Post 2015 Presidential Election-Some thoughts

Post-war capitalism

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